Principle 1: Focus on language content that is relevant to you.

You should pay attention. If the Information is related to your survival and has relevance, you are going to pay attention to it and you are going to remember it. Focus on the core and high frequency words. In English 1000 words covers 85 % of what you want to say in everyday conversation. 3000 words will cover 98% of anything you want to say in daily conversation. If you know 3000 words, you are speaking the language. The rest is icing on the cake. 


Learn useful phrases and high frequency words that are relevant to you.

Principle 2: Language is a tool to use and to play around.

Use language to get result by conveying our thoughts, feelings and messages. Use language to perform meaningful tasks such as getting direction, ordering food, leaving comment on various topics so people understand you. Language is not an art to master. Your brain cannot multi task and do two tasks at once. First to get the result to someone and second, to say it
correctly. When you try to say something to someone and you focus on correctness your brain shuts down. 

 Action :

Focus on clarity of your message not on correctness. Just try to get your message across so people can understand you. 

Principle 3: Speak the language like you are playing with video game.

When you are playing a video game you are focused on the game not not on yourself and people around you. When you play a game, there is no shyness, no embarrassment or feeling of being judged. When you speak focus on the person you are talking to not on yourself.You should tolerate ambiguity. Psychological state matters. If you are happy and relaxed you will easily understand and speak the language.


If you want to speak with confidence, when you speak do not focus on yourself, focus on the result you want to achieve and the other person.

Principle 4: Language Learning is about Physiological Training.

Language learning is not about accumulating lists of knowledge. Language Learning is about physiological training. Speaking takes muscles. You have got 43 muscles in your face. You have to coordinate those to make sounds that people understand. Be able to hear the sounds.


 Listen a lot and watch movies and observe and copy native speakers facial expressions. 

Principle 5: Comprehension is the Key.

Comprehensible input is language input that can be understood by listeners despite them not understanding all the words and structures in it. It is described as one level above that of the learners if it can only just be understood. According to Krashen’s Comprehensible input, giving learners this kind of input helps them acquire language naturally, rather than learn it consciously. Acquisition is a subconscious process, while learning is conscious. Although both play a role in developing second-language competence, acquisition is far more important, and thus accounts for language fluency.

Action :

You can learn a language naturally by exposing yourself to activities such as storytelling, singing songs, playing games, reading specialized passages, watching news and movies.  After listening to movies or speaking or communicating for two weeks you understand more. When you first understand the message you will unconsciously acquire the language. 

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